
Happy December!

Happy December everybody! I realized today, that, while I had a lot of knitting things to do, it would be best to sleep in to celebrate the coming of the month. In doing so, I missed not only the knitting group at the library (again), but the knit-in I was supposed to have with another Ravelry memeber over at Perk's Coffee. Oops! Sorry! My depression took hold and I didn't know what to do. Really.

Did I mention I've taken on a new role as a test knitter? Right now, I'm on the second sock of a pair for the lovely miss Baxterknits. I won't give too many details, however, the yarn called for (Elann Espirit) Is some of the most yummy stuff I've ever worked with for socks. Usually, when left to my own knitting, I'll knit up socks in wool or a wool blend. I'm a "winter sock" sort of person. But this is a cotton blend, and the texture is just amazing. You really should go `check out her blog to see some of her stuff. It's very straightforward and brilliant in its almost-simplicity.

Other than test knitting, I've been working non-stop on christmas presents. Working on my mom's citrine socks, working on this and that for everyone. Blah. I'm going to be burnt out soon!